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5 posts tagged with "Asterisk"

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A Multi Tenant API for PJSIP

· 5 min read
Pascal Cadotte Michaud

Asterisk has been switching from the legacy chan_sip channel driver to a new SIP stack based on the PJSIP library. We have been using the new SIP stack in Wazo Platform for over a year now. The way we configure the SIP channel driver as of Wazo Platform 20.03 still relies on the API that existed for chan_sip with a translation layer in wazo-confgend to convert the chan_sip configuration to a chan_pjsip one.

The translation system we are using at the moment does not deliver all the values we could get from a properly configured chan_pjsip. Moreover, the standard format of the pjsip.conf file is hard to override without using the PJSIP Wizard.

We chose to use this change in API to make the SIP configuration as multi tenant as possible.

In this article we will look into the process of making this new API multi tenant.

Scaling Asterisk applications

· 4 min read
Sylvain Baubeau
Sylvain Afchain

This article is the first one of a series about the work that we do at Wazo around Asterisk application scalability. For this first post, we will describe some high level aspects of the approach we take to scale Stasis applications. We will explain which components are involved and their role. Let’s take a simple application as an example.

Live Conversation Transcript

· 3 min read
Pascal Cadotte Michaud

At Astridevcon 2018, the developer conference that happens just before Astricon every year, there was a lot of interest around the streaming of audio outside of Asterisk. During the following year, we decided to tackle that problem and see what we could come up with.

During a Hackaton in January 2019, we developed an Asterisk module that adds a way to connect to the Asterisk websocket and receive the audio from the selected channel over the websocket. The code for that module can be found here.

At Astricon 2019 we presented that module. Unfortunately, the presentations at Astricon have not been recorded. This article will get you started playing with our Asterisk module.

How to configure Asterisk when Wazo does not implement a functionality

· 3 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Wazo is a full featured IPBX using Asterisk. It has many functionalities implemented in its configuration interface and many API to configure your telephony system. But sometimes what you need is simply missing. This article will show some common ways to modify your Wazo server to use features from Asterisk that are not available in the wide range of Wazo tools.