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3 posts tagged with "Chat"

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Hey ChatGPT, write an article about Wazo and you

· 3 min read
Sylvain Boily

ChatGPT, chatgpt

Hey my new friend, please i need you for my creativity. If you don't know what ChatGPT is yet please look in your social networks, the internet, etc... Because this is the latest big trend for 2023. ChatGPT could be everywhere in everything, and this could probably be the tech world's next huge company. This chatbot has been built by OpenAI, which is a company currently developing AI technology. This tool is very powerful and interesting and could be used to build many new applications.

So, like many people I played with chatGPT and I ended up asking it to write a blog entry about Wazo and ChatGPT.

This is the result here:

wazo chagpt blog (small)

Hackathon 2022 - Bridging Wazo and Matrix

· 6 min read
Jesse Sopel

Every year Wazo organizes a Hackathon with their employees, and as many of us as possible get together to work on some fun projects and see what we can learn. There were multiple teams working on different projects. Our team consisted of Charles, Francis, Francois and I (Jesse). We decided to both work on creating a bridge between Wazo's built-in chat system and a Matrix server, as well as testing out adding some new features to the existing chat, but this article is focused on the former.

Building a Group Chat with Wazo

· 5 min read
Francis Chartrand

2022 Hackathon

Every year, Wazo organizes a hackathon in the region of Quebec with all the members of the engineering team. For us, the hackathon is a great way to do some team building and meet in real life, since not everyone lives around Quebec City.

front view cottage (small)