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2 posts tagged with "Cloud"

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Kamailio service discovery with Consul

· 5 min read
Fabio Tranchitella


As we started with the deployment of our C4 (Class 4) SBC and routing solution on a Kubernetes Cluster through a Helm Chart, we knew that scaling would be a core feature.

Dynamic scaling brought additional complexity in the configuration of our Kamailio components. Having a cloud-native solution meant that we had to find a way to make SBCs and routers auto-configure themselves without human intervention or static configurations, which will bound the size of our architecture.

We wanted to deploy Wazo on different kinds of platforms, not only containerized with Kubernetes but also with Docker compose or on Virtual machines using Ansible recipes. We had to choose a tool that will help us in service discovery and the flexible configuration of our components. That's where we decided that HashiCorp Consul was the right tool to use.

Wazo Platform C4 now deployable on Kubernetes

· 5 min read
Fabio Tranchitella
Aleksandar Sosic


As already mentioned We're focused on delivering a Cloud-Native telecom solution with all the bells and whistles in the next months. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation defines:

Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach.

In our pursuit of enabling companies to build their IP communication infrastructure and deliver innovative communication services with our open-source, API-centric solutions we could not avoid enabling our users to deploy Wazo Platform on a cloud solution as easy as possible.

We started with a deployment of our C4 (Class 4) SBC and routing solution on a Kubernetes Cluster through a Helm chart.