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4 posts tagged with "SIP"

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Kamailio service discovery with Consul

· 5 min read
Fabio Tranchitella


As we started with the deployment of our C4 (Class 4) SBC and routing solution on a Kubernetes Cluster through a Helm Chart, we knew that scaling would be a core feature.

Dynamic scaling brought additional complexity in the configuration of our Kamailio components. Having a cloud-native solution meant that we had to find a way to make SBCs and routers auto-configure themselves without human intervention or static configurations, which will bound the size of our architecture.

We wanted to deploy Wazo on different kinds of platforms, not only containerized with Kubernetes but also with Docker compose or on Virtual machines using Ansible recipes. We had to choose a tool that will help us in service discovery and the flexible configuration of our components. That's where we decided that HashiCorp Consul was the right tool to use.

Kamailio HA: dispatcher and dmq modules

· 6 min read
Fabio Tranchitella

This is the first of a series of blog posts about the HA features of the Wazo Platform C4. In this article, we concentrate on the routing component which is composed of a scalable set of Kamailio instances denominated routers.

The routers are not accessed directly from carriers nor the termination IPBXs, as they are behind the SBC infrastructure. We assume then the routers are on an internal, non-externally accessible network segment and communicate with the SBC using the SIP protocol over UDP.

Kamailio routing with rtjson and http_async_client

· 5 min read
Fabio Tranchitella

The problem

In the Wazo Platform C4 we are committed to delivering the most flexible, as well as easy to configure and set up, Softswitch in the market. The SIP router key component is provided by Kamailio, the leading open-source SIP server.

Our goal was while supporting high degrees of flexibility and ease to configure, to avoid any compromise regarding performances: we aim to support a high number of concurrent calls, high call rates with predictable and linear degradation of performances in case of overload.

wazo-tester - an introduction to our SIP testing tool

· 6 min read
Aleksandar Sosic


In a complex microservice VoIP architecture testing the functionalities or stress testing the whole system becomes a complex task especially if we want to run multiple tests and have a sterile environment for every test run without restarting the whole infrastructure every time. Also, there is a need for testing the architecture under heavy load but in a random way, much more close to real-life usage.

With our experience with scalable VoIP infrastructure and a lot of trials and errors, creating a mess with a lot of bash scripts doing different things preparing the environment for launching sipp tests and scenarios we decided to start from a clean slate and redesign or way to do tests.