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5 posts tagged with "VoIP"

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A Multi Tenant API for PJSIP

· 5 min read
Pascal Cadotte Michaud

Asterisk has been switching from the legacy chan_sip channel driver to a new SIP stack based on the PJSIP library. We have been using the new SIP stack in Wazo Platform for over a year now. The way we configure the SIP channel driver as of Wazo Platform 20.03 still relies on the API that existed for chan_sip with a translation layer in wazo-confgend to convert the chan_sip configuration to a chan_pjsip one.

The translation system we are using at the moment does not deliver all the values we could get from a properly configured chan_pjsip. Moreover, the standard format of the pjsip.conf file is hard to override without using the PJSIP Wizard.

We chose to use this change in API to make the SIP configuration as multi tenant as possible.

In this article we will look into the process of making this new API multi tenant.

Solving the emergency call prioritization issue with programmable telecom

· 7 min read
Jérome Pascal


With the advent of the ubiquitous cell phone, the task of the emergency contact centers to prioritize a huge number of calls has become a tough challenge. The kind of challenge that needs to aggregate heterogenous pieces of technology to be addressed efficiently.

In the past, when a damaging event would occur - may it be a car accident, a terrorist attack or a climate disaster - only a limited number of people went to the nearby pharmacy or to the closest phone booth to warn the emergency service. In these times, adequate staffing was not so difficult for emergency contact centers: the call operator capacity was a mere function of the number of incidents.

Now, with so many devices in so many hands, should a mishap take place in a crowded place, you can be sure that everyone will try to reach the emergency contact center at the same time. The operators are then overwhelmed by a large number of simultaneous calls which all convey inefficiently the same pieces of information. Bad luck for the absent-minded woodcutter who left his chain saw inappropriately on at the same time a terrorist attack is taking place: our clumsy woodcutter will not be able to reach any emergency operator.

The situation could be described as an unintended yet effective denial of service attack.

We will show here, how in less than a 3-day period - during a short hackathon - a team of developers, with no prior knowledge of the Wazo programmable platform, was able to put in place an effective solution to this prioritization issue, and save lives.

How to Make your VoIP Application Always Reachable

· 4 min read
Emmanuel Quentin


Making a professional VoIP mobile application can sometimes be a huge challenge, especially when we have to make sure that our customer should be notified when a call occurs.

Our application is always connected with our server via WebSocket, but there are many situations when this connection can be broken: Depending on the manufacturer of the device, when the application comes to background the connection is closed after a delay of 10 to 15 minutes. The connection can also be closed when the user closes the application.

We can't force the application to stay foreground, so how can we get rid of theses limitations?