How to contribute to the codebase
In order to contribute to Wazo Platform you need to be able to retrieve the source code, edit the code, try your changes and contribute the code to the Git repository.
Getting the code
The source code for Wazo Platform is available on GitHub. Our GitHub organization contains over 200 repositories. Finding the one you want to contribute to can be a daunting task.
The documentation page can help you find which repository you should be working on. Asking for help is always an option when looking at the less popular corners of the source code.
You can then clone the desired repositories on you hard drive and start coding.
Editing the code
Most of Wazo Platform is written in Python, following the
PEP8 conventions. You can
use a tool such as flake8 to
validate that your code respects the standards. Most repositories also
include the appropriate configuration to check your code using the tox
command tox -e linters
. More details in the Style Guide
Follow the Guidelines to create or improve services.
Respecting coding standards is not sufficient to warrant quality code. Your contribution should not break any existing tests and when possible, it should add tests for the code you are adding. We use 3 kind of tests. unit tests, integration tests and acceptance tests.
If you need to create a new REST API, follow the REST API guidelines.
Unit tests
Unittests are small tests that exercise a function or method in your code. These tests should be fast and should not depend on other services running on your system, such as a database. It should also leave your environment in the same state, no files laying around.
You can execute unittests with the following command
tox -e py37
Integration tests
Integration tests exercise a service as a black box. Each test uses
the public API of the service to assert that it passes. Our
integration tests use docker to avoid installing too many dependencies
on your system. You can find the integration tests in the
directory of most repositories. Executing the
following command from the root directory of a project should execute
all integration tests.
tox -e integration
If tox is not configured to execute integration tests, you can execute the following commands.
cd integration_tests
make test-setup
make test
For more details see integration tests documentation
Acceptance tests
Acceptance tests are longer tests that uses Wazo Platform to test a feature from end-to-end. These tests are usually longer to execute and require a dedicated Wazo Platform. As a contributor you are not expected to execute these tests if you are not contributing to them. Some of the acceptance tests are automatic wazo-acceptance and other are executed manually at the end of each sprint.
Trying your code
After writing your code and checking that it does not break any tests, you should try it. The "easiest" way to do so is to use a virtual machine with a working engine. You should avoid testing in a production environment to avoid outage for you and your users. To install your test engine follow the installation documentation.
Now that you have a test engine, you want to try your code on it. Before starting, I suggest you take a snapshot of your virtual machine to be able to come back to a clean install whenever needed. Then you can use wdk to update the code running on your test platform.
The installation instructions for wdk are contained in its README as well as its usage instructions.
Debugging and profiling
To debug Asterisk follow this guide. To debug daemons follow this guide.
To profile python code follow this guide.
Contributing your code
Once you are satisfied with your modifications, you can submit a pull request. At this point you should watch your pull request to see if anyone or anything comments on it and respond to comments to eventually get your contribution merged.
Add new service
If you need to create a new service, follow the new service guidelines.
Asking for help
The Wazo Platform developers can be contacted on our MatterMost server.