Wazo Platform 24.08 Released
Hello Wazo Platform community!
Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 24.08 release.
New Features in This Release
- Authentication: A new feature has been added for users to be able to login using the SAML2 protocol
Bug Fixes
- Calls: Calls will be hung up after 10 hours, in order to avoid 'ghost call' accumulation scenarios
- Parking Lots: Improve parking lots API to facilitate usage (ex: add events, add informations, etc.)
Ongoing Features
- Provisioning Server: wazo-provd is being modified to use PostgreSQL as its data storage backend instead of using JSON files on the file system
- Authentication: We will continue to improve and complete the login with SAML2 protocol allowing administrators to configure the identity provider.
- Call API: Allow to link a call with a call log
For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.
See you at the next sprint review!