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Wazo Platform 24.04 Released

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 24.04 release.

New Features This Release

  • Translations: Added french translations to wazo-ui, it now supports english and french

Bug Fixes

  • Websocket: Fixed a bug where a user could miss some events when its authentication token expired


  • Documentation: The phonebook configuration documentation has been improved to allow an administrator to create a phonebook and add it to the directory service to make it available to its users
  • Scalability: Performance has been improved when processing calls by reducing the amount of internal events, reducing the CPU usage of Asterisk and RabbitMQ

Ongoing Features

  • Provisioning Server: wazo-provd is being modified to use PostgreSQL as its datastorage instead of using JSON files on the file system
  • Parking Lot: new API to control call parking features

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 24.03 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 24.03 release.

New Features in This Release

  • Parking Lot: Undeprecate and refactor parking and park_position function keys to work with the parking lots resource
  • wazo-agentd: Refactor wazo-agentd service to use stevedore plugins to easily integrate third-party development


  • SIP template PUT queries: improved response time for PUT queries on sip endpoint templates
  • wazo-confd: validation of delete_messages option in /voicemails configuration to prevent configuration errors
  • wazo-stats: improved resilience of queue stats computation in presence of incomplete queue events

Ongoing Features

  • wazo-provd: Migrate the database from JSON to PostgreSQL
  • Parking Lot: new API to control call parking features

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 24.02 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 24.02 release.

New Features in This Release

  • calld API: Added optional 'timeout' parameter in body of PUT /calls/{call_id}/user/{user_uuid} endpoint to control dial timeout behaviour of call to user.


  • Parking: In order to use API parking lots with function keys, deprecated default parking lot (700) function keys have been removed.
  • Provisioning: Python module has been renamed from provd to wazo_provd. Any custom provisioning plugin should be updated.
  • Bus: Python library has been renamed from xivo_bus to wazo_bus. Any custom plugin using this library should be updated.

Ongoing Features

  • wazo-provd: Migrate the database from JSON to PostgreSQL

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 24.01 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 24.01 release. This sprint was mostly dedicated to improve technical stuff and workflow


  • Development: Enable pre-commit and linters on most repositories
  • Development: Add more Python typing hints in the codebase
  • Asterisk: Asterisk has been upgraded to 20.5.2, including fixes to important security issues. See the Asterisk release announcement for 20.5.2 and 20.5.1.

Ongoing Features

  • wazo-provd: Migrate the database from JSON to PostgreSQL

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 23.17 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 23.17 release.

New Features in This Release

  • Agents: Agents number are now tenant aware. Multiple tenants may now use the same number for agents without conflict.

Bug Fixes

  • CDR: 'user_uuid' filter on /cdr API now only matches source and final destination participants

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 23.16 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 23.16 release.

New Features in This Release

  • Remote Provisioning: To enhance security on remote provisioning, we are introducing an authentication system using a "provisioning key". More information can be found in the documentation
  • Provisioning: Added support for Yealink CP925


  • NGINX: The provisioning system is now behind NGINX. It facilitates configuration for HTTPS and Provisioning Key.

Ongoing Features

  • Scalability: Under the hood changes to make Wazo more performant on large installations.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 23.15 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 23.15 release.

New Features in This Release

  • Directories: Directory lookups can now match Wazo users in the internal directory when searching using a full name. Ex: "Alice Smith" would match the corresponding user.


  • User API: Listing users is now faster when using pagination on a large user base.
  • Directories: Reverse lookup will now happen whenever the caller ID name looks like a phone number, instead of only happening when the name and number are the same.
  • Asterisk: Asterisk has been upgraded to 20.5.0. See the Asterisk release announcement.

Ongoing Features

  • Scalability: Under the hood changes to make Wazo more performant on large installations.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 23.14 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 23.14 release.

New Features in This Release

  • Mobile: New API for triggering arbitrary mobile push notifications. This allows applications based on Wazo Platform to notify mobile users effectively.


  • Administration: Performance was improved when listing thousands of incalls.
  • Multi Tenancy: Improve tenant removal by removing associated devices.
  • Phonebook: Improvements and cleanup on the phonebook API.

Ongoing Features

  • Performance: Various under-the-hood optimizations to the database subsystem, improving APIs performance for certain routes

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 23.13 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 23.13 release.

New Features in This Release

  • wazo-ui: Phonebook contacts can now be managed in wazo-ui

Bug Fixes

  • Switchboard: CDR call duration was fixed when a call has been on hold before being answered
  • wazo-calld: Removed Python errors during auto-provisioning calls in wazo-calld logs
  • Directories: Removing a phonebook will also delete all associated lookup configuration


  • Phone Provisioning: The provisioning server's HTTP interfaces is now accessible through the Nginx server
    • This change was reverted in a 23.13 hotfix.

Ongoing Features

  • Multi Tenancy: We are making tenant removal cleaner by removing associated ressources

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 23.12 Released

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 23.12 release.

New Features in This Release

Bug Fixes

  • Authentication: Fix an issue with the authentication server when authentication was encoded in utf-8
  • Call Management: Fix an issue where a call could not be hung up using the API after being picked up using *8<exten>

Technical Features

  • Dialplan: Context names are now auto-generated
  • Phonebook: phonebook sources(/backends/phonebook/sources) now require a phonebook_uuid attribute pointing to an existing phonebook(created through the /phonebooks API)

Ongoing Features

  • Tenant Deletion: We are currently working to make tenant deletion cleaner and avoid leaking resources
  • Performance: We are working on making the Wazo stack usable with thousands of users using the API and consuming websocket events
  • Phonebook: further improvements to the phonebook source API

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!