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Wazo Platform 22.14 Released

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 22.14 release.

New Features in This Release

  • Provisioning: Added support for phones Fanvil X4U(-V2), X5U(-V2), X6U(-V2), X7(-V2), X7C(-V2), X210(-V2), and X210i(-V2)
  • Documentation: API events are now properly documented with AsyncAPI. The documentation is available on Here is an example for authentication events.

Bug Fixes

  • Provisioning: Auto-provisioning audio messages are now played when using a language other than English.

Technical Features

Ongoing Features

  • New user API: We are working on a new high level API endpoint to create a user and all of its related resources (user, line, extension, voicemail, incoming call) in a single HTTP request.
  • Major upgrade: We are preparing the upgrade to Debian 11 Bullseye. This requires migrating the remaining code written in Python 2 to Python 3.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 22.13 Released

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 22.13 release.

New Features in This Release

  • Call filters: When calling a filtered extension, the filtering user will ring on all lines, rather than only one line.
  • Configuration API: A new API has been added easily create an extension and attach it to a line at the same time

Ongoing Features

  • New user API: We are working on a new high level API endpoint to create a user and all of its related resources (user, line, extension, voicemail, incoming call) in a single HTTP request.
  • Events: All events are being documented in order to better facilitate developers effort to use the event system.
  • Major upgrade: We are preparing the upgrade to Debian 11 Bullseye. This requires migrating the remaining code written in Python 2 to Python 3.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 22.12 Released

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 22.12 release.

New Features in This Release

  • API CDR: Call Detail Records (CDR) now include destination type of the call, i.e: if a user or a conference.

Technical Features

  • Stasis over bus: Asterisk now publishes stasis events to the rabbitmq bus when registered using the Asterisk REST API. This improves the tolerance to higher peaks in events volume without failure.
  • wazo-calld stasis connection: wazo-calld now uses stasis events received from RabbitMQ bus instead of the Asterisk WebSocket.

Ongoing Features

  • New user API: We are working on a new high level API endpoint to create a user and all of its related resources (user, line, extension, voicemail, incoming call) in a single HTTP request.
  • Events: All events are being documented in order to better facilitate developpers effort to use the event system.
  • Major upgrade: We are preparing the upgrade to Debian 11 Bullseye. This requires migrating the remaining code written in Python 2 to Python 3.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 22.11 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 22.11 release.

Technical Features

  • sysconfd: The system configuration service has been rewritten to remove unmaintained part of code

Ongoing Features

  • Scalability: Consume events from the bus instead of the Asterisk websocket. This will improve the performance of Wazo and allow greater scalability.
  • Documentation: Publish documentation describing bus events used by the Wazo Platform

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 22.10 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 22.10 release.

Community Contributions

Shout-out to user BnLG for his contributions that help make Wazo even better:

New Features in This Release

  • Authentication groups API: groups can be filtered by a policy and now have a unique name

Bug Fixes

  • Call logs: A missed call was not logged when the associated endpoint was not available

Technical Features

Ongoing Features

  • Scalability: Consume events from the bus instead of the Asterisk websocket. This will improve the performance of Wazo and allow greater scalability.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 22.09 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 22.09 release.

Community Contributions

Shout-out to user BnLG for his contributions which help to make Wazo platform even better:


  • Authentication: Improve the LDAP authentication source by identifying tenants by domain names

Bug Fixes

  • Provisioning: Changing the provisioning port via the API did not change the provisioning server configuration.
  • Webhooks: The webhooks are now tenant-aware: a webhook will only be triggered by events happening in the webhook's tenant.

Ongoing Features

  • Scalability: Consume events from the bus instead of the Asterisk websocket. This will improve the performance of Wazo and allow greater scalability.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 22.08 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 22.08 release.

Technical Features

  • Asterisk: Asterisk has been upgraded to 18.12.1. See the Asterisk release announcement for 18.12.0 and 18.12.1

Ongoing Features

  • Authentication: Improve the LDAP authentication source by identifying tenants by domain name
  • Bullseye: Modernizing some old services to facilitate transition to Python 3 and Debian Bullseye
  • Scalability: Consume events from the bus instead of the Asterisk websocket. This will improve the performance of Wazo and allow greater scalability.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 22.07 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 22.07 release.

No major feature added this sprint, we are hard at work on the following features:

Ongoing Features

  • Authentication: Improve the LDAP authentication source by identifying tenants by domain name
  • Meetings: Improve external conferences that allow guests to join a meeting
  • Bullseye: Modernizing some old services to facilitate transition to Python 3 and Debian Bullseye
  • Scalability: Consume events from the bus instead of the Asterisk websocket. This will improve the performance of Wazo and allow greater scalability.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 22.06 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 22.06 release.

New Features in This Release

  • Meetings: Added ability for the meeting owner to kick a participant

Bug Fixes

  • Mobile: Fixed blank notifications on Android phones after receiving a call

Technical Features

Ongoing Features

  • Meetings: Improve external conferences that allow guests to join a meeting
  • Bullseye: Refactoring some old services to facilitate transition to debian Bullseye
  • wazo-calld: Consume stasis events from the bus instead of the Asterisk websocket. This allows better wazo-calld scalability

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 22.05 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 22.05 release.

New Features in This Release

  • Provisioning: A new plugin for Alcatel-Lucent M3, M5 and M7 has been added.
  • Meetings: Meeting owners can now allow or deny new participants to join the meeting.

Bug Fixes

  • Switchboards: Timeout fallback did not work when a group destination had its ring timeout set to null
  • Groups: Mobile group members will now receive call when they have a mobile refresh token

Technical Features

Ongoing Features

  • Meetings: Improve external conferences that allow guests to join a meeting

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.

See you at the next sprint review!