Wazo Platform 22.17 Released
· One min read
Hello Wazo Platform community!
Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 22.17 release.
Technical Features
- Python 3: Migrated wazo-agid and wazo-confgend services to Python 3. They were the last services written in Python 2
- Asterisk: Asterisk has been upgraded to 19.7.1. See the Asterisk release announcement
Ongoing Features
- New user API: We are working on a new high level API endpoint to create a user and all of its related resources (user, line, extension, voicemail, incoming call) in a single HTTP request.
- Major upgrade: We are preparing the upgrade to Debian 11 Bullseye.
For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the changelog.
Note that the next release will be on mid-January. Happy Holidays!
- Install Wazo Platform
- Upgrade Wazo and Wazo Platform. Be sure to read the breaking changes
Comments or questions in this forum post.