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Wazo Platform 20.07 Released

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 20.07 release.

New features in this release

  • Phones: Yealink phones now synchronize the DND status of phones with the DND status of Wazo. Before Wazo 20.07, the phone had its own independent DND status, leading to calls being rejected without having set the DND option in Wazo.
  • Incoming call: An incall accepts a new parameter to configure a greeting sound played before forwarding the call to the destination.

Ongoing features

  • Performance: We will continue removing the use of encryption of internal communication between some Wazo components
  • Directories: We are adding a GraphQL API in wazo-dird to reduce the number of requests and improve performance.
  • SIP lines and trunks: We are currently rewriting the SIP configuration API to match PJSIP options and be multi-tenant

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 20.06 Released

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 20.06 release.

New features in this release

  • Call logs: The API for call logs now returns two destination names: the one that was dialed and the one that answered. This is useful when a call was forwarded to another number, in order to know who forwarded the call to whom.

Technical features

  • Performance: We have removed the use of encryption for internal communication between some Wazo components. This results in some performance improvements, while keeping data secure: all communications to and from the outside of the Wazo Platform still use HTTPS.

Ongoing features

  • Performance: We will continue removing the use of encryption of internal communication between some Wazo components
  • Directories: We are adding a GraphQL API in wazo-dird to reduce the number of requests and improve performance.
  • SIP lines and trunks: We are currently rewriting the SIP configuration API to match PJSIP options and be multi-tenant
  • Phones: We are working on synchronizing the DND status of phones with the status of Wazo, to avoid having two kinds of DND, one on the phone and another in Wazo applications.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 20.05 Released

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 20.05 release.

New features in this release

  • Phones: The DECT phone Yealink W80B can now be auto-provisioned with Wazo.
  • Mobile applications: Wazo Platform 20.05 now accepts a new kind of token for Apple Push Notification service (APNs): it allows receiving chat and voicemail notifications on a mobile application. In previous versions, it was only possible to receive VoIP notifications from APNs.
  • Conferences: Wazo Platform 20.05 offers new events for applications: they are notified when a conference participant starts or stops talking.
  • Users: The bulk creation of users has been improved to be able to assign WebRTC lines to new users.
  • SIP transports: SIP transports can now be configured using an API to leverage all possible fields of the Asterisk configuration.

Bug fixes

  • Directories: Directory lookup in Office365 now return more than 10 results.

Technical features

  • Documentation: The Wazo Platform documentation has moved from to /uc-doc. Links to the former documentations should redirect you to the latter documentation automatically.
  • Asterisk: Asterisk was upgraded from 16.8.0 to 17.3.0.
  • Performance: We are in the process of removing SSL between services running on the same host, using plain HTTP instead.

Ongoing features

  • SIP lines and trunks: We are currently rewriting the SIP configuration API to match PJSIP options and be multi-tenant
  • Phones: We are working on synchronizing the DND status of phones with the DND status of Wazo, to avoid having two kinds of DND, one on the phone and another in Wazo applications.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 20.04 Released

· 3 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 20.04 release.

New features in this sprint

  • WebRTC: We have added two new settings for WebRTC in the setup phase of Wazo Platform: WebRTC needs to discover the IP address of the two phones trying to communicate. For this, it uses the ICE protocol, exchanging the different IP addresses of the two hosts. However, for a host to know its public IP address, it needs to ask this information to a third-party service via the STUN protocol that is designed specifically for this. The two new settings allow 1) to enable the ICE protocol for exchanging IP addresses and 2) to specify the address of the third-party STUN server. Until now, those settings needed to be set after the setup phase in order for WebRTC to work correctly.
  • Groups: In some cases, when calling a ring group, when one member answers the call, the other members would see a "missed call" on their phone. In the context of a ring group, this behavior is undesirable. We added an option to configure the behavior when a member of a ring group answers a call.

Bug fixes

  • Scalability: we have removed an internal cache from wazo-auth that prevented wazo-auth to be load-balanced: in some cases, a new tenant was not visible in one instance of wazo-auth, resulting in an "Unauthorized" error.
  • Directories: Until Wazo Platform 20.04, when configuring physical phone directories, the administrator needed to restart wazo-phoned manually to apply the changes. In Wazo 20.04, the changes are applied automatically.
  • Call quality: We have backported a patch from Asterisk 16.9.0 release candidate, preventing the audio playing static when using TLS/SRTP, possibly including WebRTC calls.

Technical features

  • SIP lines and trunks: We have added APIs to configure global PJSIP settings that will be used for all SIP lines and system-wide settings that will help configure Asterisk correctly for SIP calls.

Ongoing features

  • SIP lines and trunks: We are currently rewriting the SIP configuration API to match PJSIP options and be multi-tenant

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 20.03 Released

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 20.03 release.

New features in this sprint

  • Calls API: Until now, a user placing a call could only ring one of its lines to place the call. A user may now ring all of its lines at once, without having to indicate which line should ring.

  • Calls API: Until now, a user placing a call always had to answer the ringing line before the call was actually being placed. A user may now ask to auto-answer the call, so that the call is placed directly. In this case, the user would hear the ringback tone directly in his headphones or phone speaker.

  • Calls events: Until now, when a call was answered, there was only a call_updated event sent. This event was not detailed enough to distinguish if the call was answered or if something else happened. This release adds a call_answered event, so that applications can know precisely when a call was answered.

Bug fixes

  • Function keys: BLF for DND and call forwards are now fully functional. BLF (Busy Lamp Fields) are small physical LEDs indicating on a physical phone whether the feature (e.g. Do Not Disturb) is currently activated for this phone.

Technical features

  • Asterisk: Asterisk has been upgraded to version 16.8.0

Ongoing features

  • SIP: We are currently changing the SIP configuration API to match the PJSIP configuration

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 20.02 Released

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 20.02 release.

Security fixes

  • A security issue has been fixed that allowed the database of the engine to be accessed remotely when the following conditions were met:

    • Engine configured as a slave
    • Engine installed using ansible
    • Engine in version 19.12 to 20.01

    If your installation matches all of these conditions you MUST upgrade or execute this script on your engine.

New features in this sprint

  • Phones: We have added a provisioning plugin for Fanvil X Series phones, supporting 12 new phones models.
  • REST API: A new REST API has been added to mute or unmute an arbitrary call. This allows a better control of physical phones from the REST API.
  • Mobile applications: Two new kinds of push notifications are sent to FCM (Android) or APNS (iOS) when a call has been answered or cancelled from another line than a mobile line. This allows a better handling of calls for mobile applications developed for Wazo Platform.

Technical features

  • REST API: We have allowed some of our services to serve the REST API using HTTP instead of HTTPS. This will allow us to remove any unnecessary encryption for communication within Wazo Platform.

Ongoing features

  • SIP: We are currently changing the SIP configuration API to match the PJSIP configuration
  • Class 4: We are still improving the new blocks in Wazo Platform to handle more calls and improve security. Kamailio is the core of those new features and serves as a Session Border Controller (SBC) and SIP router to multiple Asterisk instances.
  • Phones: We are improving provisioning for Yealink phones in a NAT environment.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 20.01 Released

· 3 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 20.01 release.

New features in this sprint

  • Switchboard: We have worked on improving the switchboard reactivity. In this version, the time to answer a call has been reduced by half. These changes may also impact positively the response time of other actions made on the calls in a switchboard.
  • Monitoring: We have added a new HTTP resource to retrieve the current status of user telephony lines in wazo-calld REST API. This allows an external application to know which phones are busy, available or disconnected. This feature is currently very similar to the wazo-chatd presence features, but it will be improved with more details irrelevant to wazo-chatd, like the round-trip time to a phone.
  • Users: We have improved the users REST API to add information related to user interception. When getting a user's details, you may now get the list of people that this user is allowed to intercept.
  • Class 4: We are releasing a first version of the SBC and call routing features of Wazo Platform, featuring Kamailio. Here are the links to the installation documentation and REST API documentation.


  • Hardware: While not directly related to this version, we're excited to share with you the announcement of a distribution for Wazo Platform on Raspberry Pi, named Sparrow []. You can find the announcement on our forums.

Technical features

  • Asterisk: Asterisk was updated from 16.6.2 to 16.7.0, including 2 security fixes.
  • Orchestration: wazo-calld can now run independently from Asterisk. Of course it can not do much without it, since the main purpose of wazo-calld is to manage calls that are placed through Asterisk. This makes Wazo Platform easier to setup in a orchestrated environment such as containers.

Ongoing features

  • Reliability: We are working on improving the stability of Wazo Platform in different scenarios: high number of users, REST API calls and events, temporary loss of one of Wazo services...
  • Class 4: added new blocks in Wazo Platform to handle more calls and improve security. Kamailio is the core of those new features and will serve as a Session Border Controller (SBC) and SIP router to multiple Asterisk instances

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 19.17 Released

· 3 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 19.17 release.

New features in this sprint

  • Directories: In wazo-dird, a new HTTP endpoint has been added to retrieve multiple contacts in one request when you only know their contact UUID
  • Trunks: A new HTTP resource has been added to list the status of all trunks, including their registration status and the number of current calls

Bug fixes

  • Call center: After and agent and a skill were associated or dissociated via the REST API, the modification was not applied in Asterisk automatically.
  • Websocket: The number of events processed by wazo-websocketd has been significantly reduced by ignoring all technical messages coming from the Asterisk AMI
  • Presences: Fixed initialization when non-PBX users have refresh tokens
  • Call logs: When a call was placed to a call group, answered then hung up, the call log genration of that call consumed a lot CPU time
  • Trunks: Fixed a bug that made a trunk stop trying to reconnect after a failed attempt due to missing configuration options in wazo-confgend

Technical features

  • Asterisk: Asterisk was updated from 16.6.1 to 16.6.2 (security fix)
  • Phone directories: All wazo-dird phone plugins that handled specific directories for physical phones have been migrated to wazo-phoned
  • Google integration: wazo-dird Google backend now filters out e-mail contacts automatically generated by Google
  • DAHDI: DAHDI is not longer an explicit dependency of Wazo. It is now an optional component that should only be installed when server-side telephony hardware is used.
  • Performance: The CPU usage of wazo-websocketd has been reduced significantly

Ongoing features

  • Switchboard: We are working on improving the switchboard call flow response time
  • Reliability: We are improving the stability of the platform in different scenarios: high number of users, temporary loss of one of Wazo services, high number of API calls / events...
  • SBC: We are adding new blocks in Wazo Platform to handle more calls and improve security. Kamailio is the core of those new features and will serve as a Session Border Controller (SBC) and SIP router to multiple Asterisk instances
  • Monitoring: We are adding a new HTTP resource to retrieve the status of user telephony lines (disconnected, available, on call...)

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 19.16 Released

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 19.16 release.

New features in this sprint

  • Directories: lookups are now insensitive to accented characters.

Ongoing features

  • Switchboard: We are working to improve the switchboard call flow response time.
  • BLF: The Busy Lamp Field (BLF) of Do Not Disturb mode, call forwards and call filtering are being reimplemented to restore the behavior of Wazo 18.03.
  • Call logs: We are handling more scenarios in the Wazo Platform CDR. We are focused on the call forwarding scenarios, in order to present the correct numbers to users.
  • SBC: We are adding new blocks in Wazo Platform to handle more calls and improve security. Kamailio is the core of those new features and will serve as a Session Border Controller (SBC) and SIP router to multiple Asterisk instances.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Wazo Platform 19.15 Released

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo Platform community!

Here is a short review of the Wazo Platform 19.15 release.

New features in this sprint

  • Trunks: It is now possible to create two trunks with same username

Bug fixes

  • Presence status: There were some scenarios where the presence status was incorrect, e.g. hanging up a hold call. They are now fixed.
  • Call interception: Up until Wazo Platform 19.15, call interception was enabled for every user through the extension *8, e.g. *81001 for intercepting user 1001. This setting is now disabled by default. The preferred way to setup call interception is to use Interception groups, which define which user can intercept which other user.
  • Call reliance: We fixed a problem with WebRTC calls: sometimes, the call was hungup before even ringing the destination.

Technical features

  • Asterisk: Asterisk was updated from 16.5.1 to 16.6.1, fixing 1 security issue.

Ongoing features

  • Switchboard: We are working to improve the switchboard call flow response time, because the switchboard user needs the most reactivity from its application. These improvements may also have a positive outcome on non-switchboard calls reactivity as well.
  • BLF: The Busy Lamp Field (BLF) of Do Not Disturb mode, call forwards and call filtering are being reimplemented to restore the behavior of Wazo 18.03.
  • Call logs: We are handling more scenarios in the Wazo Platform CDR. We are focused on the call forwarding scenarios, in order to present the correct numbers to users.
  • SBC: We are adding new blocks in Wazo Platform to handle more calls and improve security. Kamailio is the core of those new features and will serve as a Session Border Controller (SBC) and SIP router to multiple Asterisk instances.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!