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21 posts tagged with "wazo"

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Sprint Review 17.10

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo community! Here comes the release of Wazo 17.10!

New features in this sprint

Plugins: The Wazo plugin system is still young and did not implement any compatibility restriction across Wazo versions. Newer plugins may become incompatible with older Wazo versions as they are released or older plugins may be incompatible with newer Wazo versions. We have added a restriction to forbid installing an incompatible plugin on your Wazo. Since there is no such restriction in Wazo 17.08 and 17.09, plugins installed on those versions may not work properly.

Plugins: Plugins are now shown in two sections: official plugins that are developed by the Wazo development team and community plugins that are written by the Wazo community.

Plugins: We also improved the search box for plugins, so that it is easier to find plugins that you don't already know about.

Ongoing features

Plugin management: There is still a lot to be done to the plugin management service. e.g. dependency, upgrade, HA, ...

Webhooks: We are adding a new way of interconnecting Wazo with other software: webhooks. Outgoing webhooks allow Wazo to notify other applications about events that happen on the telephony server, e.g. when a call arrives, when it is answered, hung up, when a new contact is added, etc. Incoming webhooks also allow Wazo to be notified of events happening on other applications, e.g. a new customer was added in your CRM, a new employee was added in your directory, etc. Unfortunately, there is no magic and the application in question must be able to send or receive webhooks so that Wazo can talk with it. See also this blog post (sorry, it's in French) about Wazo and webhooks.

The instructions for installing Wazo or upgrading Wazo are available in the documentation.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Sprint Review 17.09

· 3 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo community! Here comes the release of Wazo 17.09!

New features in this sprint

Plugins: We added a command-line utility (wazo-plugind-cli) to ease the installation of plugins from shell scripts. This should be useful for automatically installing new Wazo machines, with plugins pre-installed.

SCCP: A few versions earlier, we added the possibility to attach multiple lines to a user, so that when this user is called, all of his phones ring at the same time. But until now, this was restricted to SIP phones (including WebRTC lines), but not Cisco SCCP phones. In Wazo 17.09, users may have as many SIP, WebRTC or SCCP lines as they wish, and they will all ring at the same time when someone calls.

Admin UI: The Extensions plugin has been updated to include a view listing all the phone numbers configured on the Wazo, and what they are linked to.

Admin UI: The new web admin UI is now able to delete multiple entries at a time, making the mass-delete feature available in all lists.

Provisioning plugins: Until now, there were two main repositories for provisioning plugins: stable and addons. stable contained the previously "officially supported" plugins and addons contained the "community-contributed" plugins. We have merged those two repositories: all provisioning plugins are now available in stable, the default provisioning repository.

Technical features

Asterisk: Asterisk was updated from 14.4.0 to 14.5.0

Ongoing features

Plugin management: There is still a lot to be done to the plugin management service. e.g. dependency, upgrade, wazo version constraint, HA, ...

Webhooks: We are adding a new way of interconnecting Wazo with other software: webhooks. Outgoing webhooks allow Wazo to notify other applications about events that happen on the telephony server, e.g. when a call arrives, when it is answered, hung up, when a new contact is added, etc. Incoming webhooks also allow Wazo to be notified of events happening on other applications, e.g. a new customer was added in your CRM, a new employee was added in your directory, etc. Unfortunately, there is no magic and the application in question must be able to send or receive webhooks so that Wazo can talk with it. See also this blog post (sorry, it's in French) about Wazo and webhooks.

The instructions for installing Wazo or upgrading Wazo are available in the documentation.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Sprint Review 17.08

· One min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo community! Here comes the release of Wazo 17.08!

New features in this sprint

REST API: The call logs API has been enhanced with new information, such as the date of answering, the direction of the call and call tags. Call tags allow filtering call logs on other criteria than a user or a number, i.e. "give me the calls of all agents"... Any tag may be attached to any user, and calls placed or received by this user will be tagged accordingly.

Important bug fixes

High Availability: Wazo 17.07 introduced a regression in the replication of database between master and slave. This issue is fixed in 17.08.

Ongoing features

Admin UI: We are working to improve the new web interface.

Plugin management: There is still a lot to be done to the plugin management service. e.g. dependency, upgrade, wazo version constraint, HA, ..

The instructions for installing Wazo or upgrading Wazo are available in the documentation.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Sprint Review 17.07

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo community! Here comes the release of Wazo 17.07!

New features in this sprint

Admin UI: The new web interface based on our REST API is now available for preview. See Wazo admin UI

Admin UI: IVR can now be managed from the admin UI

Admin UI: CDR can now be listed and searched from the admin UI instead of downloading a CSV from the old web interface.

Admin UI: Conference rooms using Asterisk confbridge can be managed using the admin UI

Admin UI: Parkings using Asterisk parking lots can be managed using the admin UI

Admin UI: Plugins can be managed from the admin UI

REST API: We have added a new REST API to manage wazo plugins using wazo-plugind. This new API is used by the administration UI to install and enable features.

REST API: CDR can now be queried by user to get its own call logs.

Ongoing features

Call logs: We are attaching more data to the call logs and generating new views to have a summary for a given query instead of a list of call logs.

Admin UI: We are working to improve the new web interface.

Plugin management: There is still a lot to be done to the plugin management service. e.g. dependency, upgrade, wazo version constraint, HA, ..

The instructions for installing Wazo or upgrading Wazo are available in the documentation.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Sprint Review 17.06

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo community! Here comes the release of Wazo 17.06!

New features in this sprint

REST API: We have added a new REST API to get call logs in JSON format, instead of the current CSV format. The CSV format was mainly chosen for compatibility and JSON is easier to create new web interfaces.

Technical features

Asterisk: Asterisk was updated from 14.3.0 to 14.4.0

Important bug fixes

CTI Client: Transfers made via the client could cause Asterisk to take all CPU of the machine, blocking the transfer and losing the call, in some circumstances.

Ongoing features

Call logs: We are attaching more data to the call logs, so that we can filter call logs more easily. This mainly includes filtering call logs by user, so that call logs analysis becomes less tedious. See in section xivo-call-logs for more details.

New web interface: This web interface will only use the REST API we've been developing in the past few years, with no brittle complicated internal logic like the current web interface has: all the logic is handled by the REST APIs. This web interface will not replace the current web interface before it has all the same features, so it will take time to become the default interface. However, both web interfaces will coexist during the maturation of the new one. We'll keep you posted when the new web interface becomes usable.

Plugin management: We are currently working a plugin management service as well as a standard plugin definition that will be easy to write. The goal is to allow users to add features easily to Wazo and to be able to distribute their extensions to other users. This new system will be used to install features on the new administration interface.

The instructions for installing Wazo or upgrading Wazo are available in the documentation.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Sprint Review 17.05

· 3 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo community! Here comes the release of Wazo 17.05!

New features in this sprint

Call recording: We added some configuration options to control the naming of the call recordings. This allows administrators to dispatch recording files more easily between entities. You can read all about it in the documentation.

REST API: We added the possibility to pause/unpause an agent from the REST API of xivo-agentd. An agent in pause does not receive any more calls distributed from the call queues. Until now, agents could only enter the pause through the CTI client. Also, it is now possible to specify the reason for the pause. This allows supervisors to have a better understanding of the agents availability. You can see this new feature in action in Unicom.

REST API: The calls API in xivo-ctid-ng has been improved to reflect the direction of each call: a graphical interface such as Unicom may now display if the call is received or sent.

Important bug fixes

Database: One of Wazo services (xivo-dird) was not closing the connections to the database. It blocked other services from accessing the database in some circumstances.

CTI Client: Transfers made via the client had a performance issue that would take up all CPU of the machine after a few transfers, causing other issues as a result.


Web interface: We thank Paolo Ornati for submitting a patch fixing a bug in the list of phonebooks in the web interface.

Translations: We thank Rafał Perczyński and Ania Perczyńska for making polish sound files available in the web interface and translating the CTI client interface in polish with Transifex. The CTI client translations will be shipped in a future version.

Yealink firware: We thank Damien Barbier for submitting a new firmware for Yealink phones. The provisioning plugin for firmware v81 is now available in the testing plugins repository.

Ongoing features

Call logs: We are attaching more data to the call logs, so that we can filter call logs more easily. This mainly includes filtering call logs by user, so that call logs analysis becomes less tedious.

New web interface: This web interface will only use the REST API we've been developing in the past few years, with no brittle complicated internal logic like the current web interface has: all the logic is handled by the REST APIs. This web interface will not replace the current web interface before it has all the same features, so it will take time to become the default interface. However, both web interfaces will coexist during the maturation of the new one. We'll keep you posted when the new web interface becomes usable.

Plugin management: We are currently working a plugin management service as well as a standard plugin definition that will be easy to write. The goal is to allow users to add features easily to Wazo and to be able to distribute their extensions to other users. This new system will be used to install features on the new administration interface.

The instructions for installing Wazo or upgrading Wazo are available in the documentation.

For more details about the aforementioned topics, please see the roadmap linked below.

See you at the next sprint review!

Sprint Review 17.04

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo community! Here comes the release of Wazo 17.04!

New features in this sprint

CSV import of a phonebook: The CSV import had been removed from the web interface when we allowed many phonebooks to be available on the same Wazo. Many administrators have reported that they used that feature for their end users. You told us and we heard you. The CSV import is back.

Technical features

Asterisk: Asterisk has been updated from 14.2.1 to 14.3.0

Ongoing features

Switchboard API: We are changing the internals of the Switchboard feature so that we can control more precisely how calls are answered, transferred, etc. We are also adding a REST API over the switchboard feature, to allow different interfaces for the switchboard, be it web or desktop client.

API policies permissions: The current model of permissions for authentication tokens is a bit too rigid to give users only the permissions they need. We are making the system more flexible in order to have more fine-grained control over what user is allowed to do, such as entering/leaving only certain groups, answering calls from certain switchboards, etc.

New web interface: This web interface will only use the REST API we've been developing in the past few years, with no brittle complicated internal logic like the current web interface has: all the logic is handled by the REST APIs. This web interface will not replace the current web interface before it has all the same features, so it will take time to become the default interface. However, both web interfaces will coexist during the maturation of the new one. We'll keep you posted when the new web interface becomes usable.

Plugin management: We are currently working a plugin management service as well as a standard plugin definition that will be easy to write. The goal is to allow users to add features easily to Wazo and to be able to distribute their extensions to other users. This new system will be used to install features on the new administration interface.

The instructions for installing Wazo or upgrading Wazo are available in the documentation.

See you at the next sprint review!

Sprint Review 17.03

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo community! Here comes the release of Wazo 17.03!

New features in this sprint

Music on hold API: There are new REST API for managing music on hold classes and audio files related to music on hold. Music on hold control what callers hear when they arrive in a queue or user group, while agents or users are ringing. One music on hold class may contain multiple sound files that will be played one after the other.

Technical features

Consul: Consul has been updated from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3. Consul is used for service discovery across multiple Wazo installation.

libpri: LibPRI has been updated from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0. LibPRI is used for some hardware telephony cards (E1, T1, J1).

Ongoing features

Switchboard API: We are changing the internals of the Switchboard feature so that we can control more precisely how calls are answered, transferred, etc. We are also adding a REST API over the switchboard feature, to allow different interfaces for the switchboard, be it web or desktop client.

API policies permissions: The current model of permissions for authentication tokens is a bit too rigid to give users only the permissions they need. We are making the system more flexible in order to have more fine-grained control over what user is allowed to do, such as entering/leaving only certain groups, answering calls from certain switchboards, etc.

New web interface: The first lines of code of a new web interface have been written. This web interface will only use the REST API we've been developing in the past few years, with no brittle complicated internal logic like the current web interface has: all the logic is handled by the REST APIs. This web interface will not replace the current web interface before it has all the same features, so it will take time to become the default interface. However, both web interfaces will coexist during the maturation of the new one. We'll keep you posted when the new web interface becomes usable.

See you at the next sprint review!

Sprint Review 17.02

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo community! Here comes the release of Wazo 17.02!

We're back to our usual 3-weeks release cycle :)

New features in this sprint

API schedules: Schedules may now be managed via REST API. Schedules allow calls to be redirected to other destinations depending on the time and day that they arrive. For example during holidays, calls could be redirected to a voicemail instead of ringing a phone nobody would answer.

WebRTC lines: The web interface now allows associating "WebRTC lines" to users. WebRTC is a recent feature of browsers that makes it possible to have a web softphone: you don't need a specific application to handle your calls, instead you can answer, talk and hangup directly on a web page. You can try out WebRTC with Wazo on The "WebRTC line" actually creates a SIP line with a bunch of predefined parameters that are required to be able to use this SIP line in a WebRTC application, so it will appear as a SIP line afterwards.

Ongoing features

Switchboard API: We are changing the internals of the Switchboard feature so that we can control more precisely how calls are answered, transferred, etc. We are also adding a REST API over the switchboard feature, to allow different interfaces for the switchboard, be it web or desktop client.

API policies permissions: The current model of permissions for authentication tokens is a bit too rigid to give users only the permissions they need. We are making the system more flexible in order to have more fine-grained control over what user is allowed to do, such as entering/leaving only certain groups, answering calls from certain switchboards, etc.

New web interface: The first lines of code of a new web interface have been written. This web interface will only use the REST API we've been developing in the past few years, with no brittle complicated internal logic like the current web interface has: all the logic is handled by the REST APIs. This web interface will not replace the current web interface before it has all the same features, so it will take time to become the default. However, both web interfaces will coexist during the maturation of the new one.

See you at the next sprint review!

Sprint Review 17.01

· 2 min read
The Wazo Platform team

Hello Wazo community! Here comes the release of Wazo 17.01!

We took a bit of extra time to release this version, due to the holidays here in Québec City. So this version took 4 weeks to release, but upcoming versions will be released every 3 weeks.

New features in this sprint

REST API: Parking lots may now be managed via REST API. A parking lot is a range of phone numbers reserved for pending calls: by default, you can park call to the parking lot 700 and retrieve those calls by dialing 701, 702, etc. Currently, the web interface only allows one parking lot, from 700 to 750 by default. The REST API allows you to create as many parking lots as you want, for example one per entity, to avoid mixing up calls from different entities in the same parking lot.

REST API: We added another REST API for paging groups. This API offers about the same features than the web interface, allowing you to use a group of phones as PA speakers.

REST API: A new REST API has been added in order to place a new call from the mobile phone of a user. This will come in handy for a mobile application, where you can call a contact by clicking a button. Your mobile phone will be called by Wazo and once you answer you will hear your contact ringing. This means your mobile operator will charge an inbound call to your mobile phone instead of an outbound call.

Technical features

Consul: Consul was upgraded to 0.7.2. We also removed the management of authentication tokens from Consul and used good old PostgreSQL instead. So Consul now only serves for service discovery, which is useful when connecting multiple Wazo together.

LibPRI: LibPRI was upgraded to 1.5.0

See you at the next sprint review!