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Call Recording

Call recording enables users or administrators to record conversations. The recorded files are stored on the Wazo server and can be accessed using the CDR API.

There are two methods to record a call:

On-Demand Call Recording

On-demand call recording occurs when a user initiates the recording during an ongoing call. This can be done either via the API or by using the *3 feature code during the call.

Automatic Call Recording

Automatic call recording is triggered by predefined configurations. This typically happens before the call is established, based on the configuration of the call's destination or source.

Enabling Call Recording

Call recording can be enabled in several ways, either by the administrator or the user.


An administrator can enable call recording using the following API call:

PUT /users/{user_uuid}
"call_record_outgoing_internal_enabled": true,
"call_record_outgoing_external_enabled": true,
"call_record_incoming_internal_enabled": true,
"call_record_incoming_external_enabled": true


Users can enable or disable call recording using the *26 extension on their phone. Additionally, users can start recording during a call by using the *3 extension.

Managing Call Recording Options


The extensions for call recording and online call recording can be retrieved using the following resource:

  • GET /extensions/features?feature=callrecord

User Call Recording Management

To enable or disable call recording for a user (default: *26):

  1. Find the extension_id using GET /extensions/features?feature=callrecord.
  2. Disable or enable it with PUT /extensions/features/{extension_id} {"enabled": <true|false>}.

To enable or disable on-demand call recording (default: *3):

  • Use PUT /users/{user_uuid} {"online_call_record_enabled": <true|false>}.

Group Call Recording Management

To enable or disable on-demand call recording for a group (default: *3):

  • Use PUT /groups/{group_uuid} {"dtmf_record_toggle": <true|false>}.

This setting controls whether callees in a call group can use on-demand call recording. The caller's ability to use on-demand call recording depends on their individual configuration.

The group configuration overrides the user configuration for the callee.

Queue Call Recording Management

To enable or disable on-demand call recording for a queue (default: *3):

  • Use PUT /queues/{queue_uuid} {"dtmf_record_toggle": <true|false>}.

This setting determines whether callees in a queue can use on-demand call recording. The caller's ability to use on-demand call recording depends on their individual configuration.

The queue configuration overrides the user configuration for the callee.

Recording Files

Recordings are stored in /var/lib/wazo/sounds/tenants/<tenant_uuid>/monitor.

Warning: Starting from version 21.02, renaming or deleting files in this directory will break the CDR recordings API.

Recordings can be retrieved using the call-logd API. You can download individual recordings for a specific call or download multiple recordings simultaneously.

If a recording is paused and then resumed, only one file will be generated and added to the CDR. If multiple recordings are needed for a single call, the user must use the stop and start API.

  • PUT https://<WAZO STACK HOSTNAME>/api/calld/user/me/calls/{call_id}/record/start
  • PUT https://<WAZO STACK HOSTNAME>/api/calld/user/me/calls/{call_id}/record/stop

Downloading a Single Recording

To download a single recording, use the following resource:

https://<WAZO STACK HOSTNAME>/api/call-logd/1.0/cdr/<CDR ID>/recordings/<RECORDING UUID>/media

The CDR ID and recording UUID can be retrieved from the /cdr resource.

Here’s an example response from a GET request to /cdr:

"items": [
"id": 2060,
"tenant_uuid": "2c34c282-433e-4bb8-8d56-fec14ff7e1e9",
"start": "2021-05-14T17:47:15.632882+00:00",
"end": "2021-05-14T17:47:22.979637+00:00",
"answered": true,
"answer": "2021-05-14T17:47:18.146089+00:00",
"duration": 4,
"call_direction": "internal",
"destination_extension": "1011",
"destination_internal_context": "inside",
"destination_internal_extension": "1011",
"destination_line_id": 76,
"destination_name": "Anastasia Romanov",
"destination_user_uuid": "def42192-837a-41e0-aa4e-86390e46eb17",
"requested_name": "Anastasia Romanov",
"requested_context": "inside",
"requested_extension": "1011",
"requested_internal_context": "inside",
"requested_internal_extension": "1011",
"source_extension": "1015",
"source_internal_context": "inside",
"source_internal_extension": "1015",
"source_line_id": 52,
"source_name": "Olga Romanov",
"source_user_uuid": "b2e98781-7118-4010-8da3-b93b1b7e1389",
"tags": ["olga"],
"recordings": [
"uuid": "5ea37d0b-0823-4d2b-a18c-b9082e551b50",
"start_time": "2021-05-14T17:47:16.701984+00:00",
"end_time": "2021-05-14T17:47:22.979637+00:00",
"deleted": false,
"filename": "2021-05-14T17_47_16UTC-2060-5ea37d0b-0823-4d2b-a18c-b9082e551b50.wav"
"total": 887,
"filtered": 887

All call details are visible, including the CDR ID (2060 in this example) and the recording UUID (5ea37d0b-0823-4d2b-a18c-b9082e551b50). A single call may have multiple recordings depending on the call and configuration.

To download this recording, use the following curl command:

curl --insecure -X GET --header 'Accept: audio/wav' --header 'X-Auth-Token: <ACCESS TOKEN>' 'https://<WAZO STACK HOSTNAME>/api/call-logd/1.0/cdr/2060/recordings/5ea37d0b-0823-4d2b-a18c-b9082e551b50/media' --output <MY FILE.wav>

Bulk Downloads

To export a large number of recordings for external use, you can use the bulk download API.

First, create an export. Refer to the API documentation for all available export options.

curl --insecure -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Wazo-Tenant: <TENANT UUID>' --header 'X-Auth-Token: ACCESS TOKEN' -d '{}' 'https://<WAZO STACK HOSTNAME>/api/call-logd/1.0/cdr/recordings/media/export?from=2021-04-01T00%3A00%3A00-0500&until=2021-05-01T00%3A00%3A00-0500&recurse=false&email=<USERNAME%40DOMAIN>'

The response will include the UUID of your export. Use this UUID to download the export or check its status.

To check the status of your export, use:

curl --insecure -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'X-Auth-Token: <ACCESS TOKEN>' 'https://<WAZO STACK HOSTNAME>/api/call-logd/1.0/exports/<EXPORT UUID>'

Once the export status is finished, an email will be sent to the address provided in the query string of the POST request, containing a link to download the archive.

Automating Exports

To automate weekly exports of your recordings, follow these steps:

  1. Create a user with the necessary permissions to launch the export:

    export USER_UUID=$(wazo-auth-cli user create --password <password> <username>)
    export POLICY_UUID=$(wazo-auth-cli policy create --acl -- recording_exporter)
    wazo-auth-cli user add --policy ${POLICY_UUID} ${USER_UUID}
  2. Create a refresh token for the script:

    wazo-auth-cli -v token create --access_type offline --client_id exporter --auth-username <username> --auth-password <password> 2>&1 | tr ',' '\n' | sed 's/}//g' | grep 'refresh_token' | awk -F': ' '{ print $NF }'

    Save the refresh token output for the script.

  3. Copy the script to your stack:

    Replace the REFRESH_TOKEN variable with the token you created earlier. Add the tenants to export and the email address where the export should be sent.

    #!/usr/bin/env python3

    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    from wazo_auth_client import Client as AuthClient
    from wazo_call_logd_client import Client as CallLogdClient

    ### Configuration start ###
    TENANTS = {
    "<tenant UUID>": "<administrator@this.tenant>",
    ### Configuration end ###

    auth = AuthClient(host='localhost', https=False, prefix=None, port=9497)
    token =

    now =
    start = now - timedelta(days=now.weekday() + 7) # Monday of the previous week
    end = start + timedelta(days=7) # Last Monday (or today)
    from_ = datetime(start.year, start.month,, 0, 0, 0).isoformat()
    to = datetime(end.year, end.month,, 0, 0, 0).isoformat()

    call_logd = CallLogdClient(host='localhost', https=False, prefix=None, port=9298, token=token)
    for tenant_uuid, email in TENANTS.items():
    call_logd.cdr.export_recording_media(tenant_uuid=tenant_uuid, email=email, from_=from_, to=to)


    Save this script to /usr/local/bin/ and make it executable:

    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
  4. Create a cron job to run the script weekly:

    The following example runs the script every Monday at 1:22 AM:

    22 1 * * 1 /usr/local/bin/