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Configuring a phonebook directory

The phonebook directory source enables wazo administrators to maintain custom contact directories directly within the wazo platform database. Those directories can then be made available to the wazo platform users in the same tenant of the stack.

Phonebooks are managed by the wazo-dird component

Provisioning a new phonebook

Provisioning new phonebook directories follows the general process of any directory source. Since the underlying entity storing the contacts is also managed by wazo, and not an external entity, additional APIs and maintenance workflows must be considered.

As a summary, provisioning a new phonebook directory would follow these general steps:

  1. Creating the phonebook entity
  2. Filling the new phonebook with contact entries()
  3. Creating a phonebook source entity pointing to the underlying phonebook created at step 1
  4. Updating the directory profile with the new phonebook source

Steps 3 and 4 should follow the general guidelines provided in the general section, similarly to any contact directory source.

Creating phonebooks

The first step to providing a phonebook directory source to users is to create the underlying structure holding the contact information in the database. This is done through the /phonebooks API. This API can also be used for other administrative operations, such as retrieving or updating the phonebook details, adding, updating or removing contact entries from the phonebook, and deleting the phonebook entirely. As an administrative API, the ACL permissions for this API should only be provided to administrative users.

To create a new phonebook directory, a http request similar to the following would be made:

curl -XPOST -H "Wazo-Tenant: $tenant_uuid" -H "X-Auth-Token: $auth_token" https://localhost/api/dird/phonebooks -d'\
"description": "this is a new phonebook",\
"name": "my-phonebook"\

A succesful outcome would result in a response similar to this:

HTTP/1.1 201 OK
"description": "this is a new phonebook",
"name": "my-phonebook"
"id": 1,
"uuid": "6818c114-beed-432c-81dd-16b2998823d4"

The uuid attribute included in the response can then be used for subsequent retrieval, update or delete operations on that phonebook, as well as for creating a directory source linked to that phonebook(see below).

Initializing phonebooks with contacts

As part of the creation of a new phonebook, wazo administrators might want to fill the new phonebook with contact entries. The /phonebooks/<uuid:phonebook_uuid>/contacts endpoint enables creating a single contact using a POST request, while the /phonebooks/<uuid:phonebook_uuid>/contacts/import endpoint can be used to perform a bulk import of contacts using a POST request containing a CSV listing of contact information, where each line will correspond to a new contact.

Phonebook contact entries can have any desirable attribute, as long as they are string values. The id attribute is reserved and will be generated as a uuid value, which can be used to subsequently retrieve, edit or delete the contact entry.

Managing contacts

Once created, phonebook contacts can also be retrieved, edited and deleted using the /phonebooks/<uuid:phonebook_uuid>/contacts family of endpoints.

Client applications(users) will use a different API to retrieve contacts.

Exposing a phonebook source

To make the phonebook available to users through wazo client applications, the dird phonebook source API must be used to create a phonebook "source" entity pointing to the actual phonebook created with the /phonebooks API.

A request similar to the following would be made:

curl -XPOST -H "Wazo-Tenant: $tenant_uuid" -H "X-Auth-Token: $auth_token" https://localhost/api/dird/backends/phonebook/sources -d'\
"first_matched_columns": [
"format_columns": {
"phone": "{number}",
"name": "{firstname} {lastname}",
"phone_mobile": "{mobile}",
"reverse": "{firstname} {lastname}"
"name": "My phonebook source",
"searched_columns": [
"phonebook_uuid": "6818c114-beed-432c-81dd-16b2998823d4"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created

This creates a phonebook source pointing to a phonebook with uuid 6818c114-beed-432c-81dd-16b2998823d4, previously created through the /phonebooks API (see above). This phonebook example is expected to contain contacts with fields "number", "mobile", "extension", "number_other", "firstname", "lastname" and "email". The actual fields of the contacts depends only what is provided when creating or importing contacts.

See general documentation for more details on the meaning of the fields.

Once such a phonebook source entity is created for the new phonebook, this source must be exposed to users through a profile resource. See the general documentation for more details on the required API flow.

Maintaining phonebooks

Updating phonebooks

Phonebooks details can be modified using the /phonebooks API. Phonebook sources configuration can be modified using the /phonebooks/sources API (see above and general documentation on source configuration).

curl -i -XPUT -H "Wazo-Tenant: $tenant_uuid" -H "X-Auth-Token: $auth_token" https://localhost/api/dird/backends/phonebook/sources/6818c114-beed-432c-81dd-16b2998823d4 -d'\
"first_matched_columns": [
"format_columns": {
"phone": "{number}",
"name": "{firstname} {lastname}",
"phone_mobile": "{mobile}",
"reverse": "{firstname} {lastname}"
"name": "My phonebook source",
"searched_columns": [
"phonebook_uuid": "6818c114-beed-432c-81dd-16b2998823d4"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Deleting phonebooks

Phonebooks can be deleted using the /phonebooks API.

curl -i -XDELETE -H "Wazo-Tenant: $tenant_uuid" -H "X-Auth-Token: $auth_token" https://localhost/api/phonebooks/6818c114-beed-432c-81dd-16b2998823d4

This will also delete any associated phonebook source entity pointing to that phonebook (through the phonebook_uuid attribute).

Alternatively, a phonebook source entity can be deleted directly without deleting the underlying phonebook and its contacts, using the /phonebooks/sources API.

$ curl -i -XDELETE -H "Wazo-Tenant: $tenant_uuid" -H "X-Auth-Token: $auth_token" https://localhost/api/dird/backends/phonebook/sources/6818c114-beed-432c-81dd-16b2998823d4

A phonebook source cannot exist without an underlying phonebook to point to, while a phonebook (and its contacts) can exist without any phonebook source pointing to it (though it would not be accessible by end users through end user APIs described below).

Using a phonebook

Retrieving contacts from a client application

Once a phonebook is properly provisioned and filled with contacts, client applications can now use the appropriate API to retrieve those contacts from the phonebook source. This relies on the phonebook source API, specifically a GET request on the /backends/phonebook/sources/<uuid:source_uuid>/contacts endpoint.

A client application would first need to identify the relevant source_uuid, by querying the /directories/<profile name>/sources endpoint using a GET request, which would yield the list of directory sources exposed through the profile. Using the conventional default profile, such an operation would look like

curl -H "Wazo-Tenant: $tenant_uuid" -H "X-Auth-Token: $auth_token" https://my-stack-host/api/dird/0.1/directories/default/sources

and would normally result in a json response similar to the following:

"total": 7,
"filtered": 7,
"items": [
"backend": "phonebook",
"name": "my phonebook",
"tenant_uuid": "54eb71f8-1f4b-4ae4-8730-638062fbe521",
"uuid": "3e9e087c-8956-44a5-a532-64bef499c39c"

Using the uuid of the relevant phonebook souce, here 3e9e087c-8956-44a5-a532-64bef499c39c, fetching the contacts of that souce would look like

curl -H "Wazo-Tenant: $tenant_uuid" -H "X-Auth-Token: $auth_token" https://my-stack-host/api/dird/0.1/backends/phonebook/sources/3e9e087c-8956-44a5-a532-64bef499c39c/contacts

yielding such a response:

"filtered": 1,
"items": [
"firstname": "User",
"lastname": "McExample",
"email": "",
"phone": "9999999999",
"mobile_phone": "9991111111",
"fax": "9191919191",
"phonebook_uuid": "291e442f-1251-4eab-b795-e2c0725e4ef3",
"id": "884a0f07-2c64-4367-9dae-d98f007e3f3e"
"total": 1

See also