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Schedules are specific time frames that can be defined to open or close a service. Within schedules you may specify opening days and hours or exceptional days and hours.

A default destination as user, group, etc. can be defined when the schedule is in closed state.

Schedules can be applied to :

  • Users
  • Groups
  • Inbound calls
  • Outbound calls
  • Queues

Using Schedule on Users

When you have a schedule associated to a user, if this user is called during a exception_periods, the caller will first hear a prompt saying the call is being transferred before being actually redirected to the action of the schedule.

If you don't want this prompt to be played, you can change the behaviour by:

  1. editing the /etc/xivo/asterisk/xivo_globals.conf file and setting the WAZO_FWD_SCHEDULE_OUT_ISDA to 1
  2. reloading the asterisk dialplan with an asterisk -rx "dialplan reload".