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SIP templates

SIP templates are configuration templates that define SIP-related options that can be used to configure SIP endpoints. They are used to generate PJSIP configurations for the Asterisk subsystem of the Wazo platform.

Those templates form a multiple-inheritance hierarchy, such that a template can inherit from parent templates, including all options defined in those parent templates while overriding, removing or adding some options. This results in a powerful way to configure different classes of SIP devices(hardware phones or softphones) and support various specific scenarios which require specific configuration.

The SIP template API is part of the wazo-confd component.

Querying SIP templates

SIP templates are available as resources in the wazo-confd REST API. They can be listed, individually queried, updated and removed.

To see the content of a SIP template, the /confd/1.1/endpoints/sip/templates/<template_uuid> endpoint can be queried(see API reference).

# curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token:'$TOKEN '$template_uuid'
"uuid": "19e1f0be-4550-4ebe-99dc-9d4a4c299c72",
"tenant_uuid": "54eb71f8-1f4b-4ae4-8730-638062fbe521",
"name": "lp3wc06e",
"label": "global",
"aor_section_options": [...],
"auth_section_options": [...],
"endpoint_section_options": [
["set_var", "TIMEOUT(absolute)=36000"]
"identify_section_options": [...],
"registration_section_options": [...],
"registration_outbound_auth_section_options": [...],
"outbound_auth_section_options": [...],
"templates": [...],
"transport": {
"uuid": "4003f00a-9190-492b-9271-e8ce811e4059"
"asterisk_id": null,
"links": [
"rel": "endpoint_sip_templates",
"href": ""

As you can see, a SIP template has options structured in multiple 'sections', each corresponding to a section in the PJSIP configuration(see the relevant asterisk/PJSIP documentation). The options in those sections are represented as [key, value] string pairs.

The transport field provides a link to a SIP transport configuration.

The templates section will refer to the parent templates from which this template inherits, if any.

Modifying SIP templates

To modify a SIP template, a PUT request can be performed on the template URL with the updated configuration(see API reference).

# curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token:'$TOKEN -XPUT '$global_sip_template_uuid' -d $body

Note: omit the uuid, tenant_uuid, links read-only fields of the template representation from the body of the PUT request.

Global SIP templates

For options that should be applied to all SIP endpoints by default, a tenant's 'global' SIP template can be used. This is the template that is applied to a basic SIP endpoint, such as an hardware phone. Other templates inherit from the 'global' template and override some components for a subset of SIP endpoints, such as the webrtc template for webrtc SIP lines.

updating the 'global' template

To update the 'global' template of a tenant, we must

  • query the tenant configuration for the uuid of the global template for that tenant, then
  • query the current configuration of the template, then
  • apply the updated configuration of the template
# curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token:'$TOKEN '$tenant_uuid'
"uuid": "54eb71f8-1f4b-4ae4-8730-638062fbe521",
"sip_templates_generated": true,
"global_sip_template_uuid": "19e1f0be-4550-4ebe-99dc-9d4a4c299c72",
"webrtc_sip_template_uuid": "83ae01a1-f495-42d6-ba04-942e25cc72e5",
"registration_trunk_sip_template_uuid": "4e56d330-402f-43f7-bb90-98335d2cc70d",
"meeting_guest_sip_template_uuid": "d0f32aa4-265e-4f5d-8ff1-e8101facfcf0"
# export global_sip_template_uuid=19e1f0be-4550-4ebe-99dc-9d4a4c299c72
# curl --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token:'$TOKEN '$global_sip_template_uuid'
<json representation of the sip template configuration>

# export body=<updated json representation of the sip template configuration>
# curl --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Auth-Token:'$TOKEN -XPUT '$global_sip_template_uuid' -d $body

As you can see, a tenant has an associated 'global' SIP template, as well as a 'webrtc' SIP template, a 'registration trunk' SIP template and a 'meeting guest' SIP template.