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CSV Import and Export

CSV Import

Users can be imported and associated to other resources by use of a CSV file. CSV Importation can be used in situations where you need to modify many users at the same in an efficient manner, or for migrating users from one system or tenant to another. A CSV file can be created and edited by spreadsheet tools such as Excel, LibreOffice/OpenOffice Calc, etc.

CSV file

The first line of a CSV file contains a list of field names (also sometimes called "columns"). Each new line afterwards are users to import. CSV data must respect the following conditions:

  • Files must be encoded in UTF-8
  • Fields must be separated with a ,
  • Fields can be optionally quoted with a "
  • Double-quotes can be escaped by writing them twice (e.g. Robert ""Bob"" Jenkins)
  • Empty fields or headers that are not defined will be considered null.
  • Fields of type bool must be either 0 for false, or 1 for true.
  • Fields of type int must be a positive number

In the following tables, columns have been grouped according to their resource. Each resource is created and associated to its user when all required fields for that resource are present.


firstnamestringYesUser's firstname
lastnamestringUser's lastname
emailstringUser's email
languagestringde_DE, en_US, es_ES, fr_FR, fr_CAUser's language
mobile_phone_numberstringMobile phone number
outgoing_caller_idstringCustomize outgoing caller id for this user
enabledboolEnable/Disable the user
supervision_enabledboolEnable/Disable supervision
call_record_outgoing_external_enabledboolEnable/Disable all external calls made by this user
call_record_outgoing_internal_enabledboolEnable/Disable all internal calls made by this user
call_record_incoming_external_enabledboolEnable/Disable all external calls received by this user
call_record_incoming_internal_enabledboolEnable/Disable all internal calls received by this user
call_transfer_enabledboolEnable/Disable call transfers by DTMF
dtmf_hangup_enabledboolEnable/Disable hangup by DTMF
simultaneous_callsintNumber of calls a user can have on his phone simultaneously
ring_secondsintA multiple of 5Seconds a call ring before ending
call_permission_passwordstringOverwrite all passwords set in call permissions associated to the user
usernamestringUser's username to log into applications
passwordstringUser's password to log into applications
userfieldstringA custom field which purpose is left to the client
subscription_typeintThe subscription type for this user


extenstringYesNumber for calling the user. The number must be inside the range of acceptable numbers defined for the context
line_protocolstringYessip, sccp, webrtcLine protocol
sip_usernamestringSIP username
sip_secretstringSIP secret

Incoming call

incall_extenstringYesNumber for calling the user from an incoming call (i.e outside of Wazo). The number must be inside the range of acceptable numbers defined for the context.
incall_contextstringYesContext used for calls coming from outside of Wazo
incall_ring_secondsintNumber of seconds a call will ring before ending


voicemail_namestringYesVoicemail name
voicemail_numberstringYesVoicemail number
voicemail_contextstringYesVoicemail context
voicemail_passwordstringA sequence of Voicemail password digits or #
voicemail_emailstringEmail for sending notifications of new messages
voicemail_attach_audioboolEnable/Disable attaching audio files to email message
voicemail_delete_messagesboolEnable/Disable deleting message after notification is sent
voicemail_ask_passwordboolEnable/Disable password checking

Call permissions

call_permissionsstringlist separated by semicolons (;)Names of the call permissions to assign to the user

Importing a file

Once your file is ready, you can import it via POST /users/import to create all users in the specified tenant using the Wazo-Tenant header.


The following example defines 3 users who each have a phone number. The first 2 users have a SIP line, where as the last one uses SCCP:

John,Doe,1000,ctx-<tenant slug>-internal-<UUID>,sip
George,Clinton,1001,ctx-<tenant slug>-internal-<UUID>,sip
Bill,Bush,1002,ctx-<tenant slug>-internal-<UUID>,sccp

The following example imports a user with a phone number and a voicemail:

John,Doe,1000,ctx-<tenant slug>-internal-<UUID>,sip,Voicemail for John Doe,1000,ctx-<tenant slug>-internal-<UUID>

The following exmple imports a user with both an internal and external phone number (e.g. incoming call):

John,Doe,1000,ctx-<tenant slug>-internal-<UUID>,sip,2050,ctx-<tenant slug>-incall-<UUID>

CSV Update

Note: The CSV update has been disabled since it does not support multi-tenants at the moment

The field list for an update is the same as for an import with the addition of the column uuid, which is mandatory. For each line in the CSV file, the updater goes through the following steps:

  1. Find the user, using the uuid
  2. For each resource (line, voicemail, extension, etc) find out if it already exists.
  3. If an existing resource was found, associate it with the user. Otherwise, create it.
  4. Update all remaining fields

The following restrictions must also be respected during update:

  • Columns that are not included in the CSV header will not be updated.
  • A field that is empty (i.e, "") will be converted to NULL, which will unset the value.
  • A line's protocol cannot be changed (i.e you cannot go from "sip" to "sccp" or vice-versa).
  • An incall cannot be updated if the user has more than one incall associated.

Updating is done through the PUT /users/import endpoint

CSV Export

CSV exports can be used as a scaffold for updating users, or as a means of importing users into another system or tenant. An export will generate a CSV file with the same list of columns as an import, with the addition of uuid and provisioning_code, for all users in the specified tenant.

Exports are done through the GET /users/export