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Here is a list of common problems you can encounter with Wazo REST APIs.

API Console: Failed to load API definition...


When trying to access to the API Console via, I get:

Failed to load API definition.

Errors Fetch error Failed to fetch https://<stack_ip>/api/confd/1.1/api/api.yml Fetch error Possible
cross-origin (CORS) issue? The URL origin (https://<stack_ip>) does not match the page
( Check the server returns the correct 'Access-Control-Allow-\*' headers.


This is a very generic error message from Swagger UI. It can have a variety of causes, most commonly:

  • the HTTPS certificate of the API you're trying to get is not trusted
  • the daemon that serves the API is not running

What you can do:

  • check that the OpenAPI spec is accessible: when choosing an API Console, copy-paste the both parts (IP + .../api.yml) of the URL of the top text boxes into your browser.
  • check the HTTP requests/answers in your browser debugging tools
  • check that the daemon is running: in a console, type: wazo-service status
  • check the log files of the daemon in /var/log/<daemon>.log (see also: Log Files)