wazo-webhookd HTTP templates
When creating a webhook (i.e. a subscription), you can customize parts of the HTTP request that will be triggered. For this, subscriptions are defined using a templating "language", that indicates where to use variables that will be replaced with event data.
Templates use the Jinja2 syntax. See the Jinja documentation for more details.
The following parts of the request are templated:
- the request's URL
- the request's body
Given a subscription:
"name": "Hello subscription",
"service": "http",
"event": [
"config": {
"content_type": "text/plain",
"method": "POST",
"url": "https://example.com/event_handler?v=1.0",
"body": "I just received an event named {{ event_name }}. from the Wazo server { wazo_uuid }}.\n\nhello = \"{{ event['hello'] }}\""
When an event is emitted:
"name": "hello_event",
"origin_uuid": "my-wazo",
"data": [
"hello": "world",
Then a HTTP request is sent to https://example.com
POST /event_handler?v=1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
I just received an event named hello_event, from the Wazo server my-wazo.
The event contained the following data: hello = "world"
Available variables:
: the name of the event.wazo_uuid
: the UUID of the Wazo server who sent the event.event
: the body of the event. Details may be accessed like:event['detail']
. Further nested details may be accessed like:event['detail']['subdetail']
Query string
If you want to create a query string from an event, you can use Jinja's builtin filter feature:
The template:
https://example.com/query?{{ event|urlencode }}
gives an URL:
when triggered with an event:
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"