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Style Guide



Python files the GPLv3 license. A blank line should separate the license from the imports


# Copyright 2023 The Wazo Authors  (see the AUTHORS file)
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later

import argparse


  • Lines should not go further than 80 to 100 characters.
  • In Python, indentation blocks use 4 spaces
  • Imports should be sorted alphabetically
  • Separate module imports and from imports with a blank line


import argparse
import datetime
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile

from io import StringIO
from urllib.parse import urlencode

General Style Rules

To try and maintain a clean and consistent code base we use black, which is a tool that enforces a slightly stricter subset of Python's PEP8 and flake8. There is a good explanation of the rules and reasons on its website. You can run linters in all projects via tox with tox -e linters to check if your code is correctly formatted. The CI will run this automatically too and fail if the code isn't conform.

In newer projects we also have pre-commit to run and apply the fixes automatically in some cases as well as mypy for static type checking (see type checking below. Pre-commit can be installed via pip (pip install pre-commit) and either run manually via pre-commit run --all-files or automatically as a hook (just run pre-commit install in the repo and it will run automatically in future before each commit). For backwards compatibility it can also be run via tox -e linters.


Avoid using the + operator for concatenating strings. Use string interpolation ("f-strings") instead.

Bad Example:

phone_interface = 'SIP' + '/' + username + '-' + password

Good Example:

phone_interface = f'SIP/{username}-{password}'


Redundant comments should be avoided. Instead, effort should be put on making the code clearer.

Bad Example:

# Add the meeting to the calendar only if it was created on a week day
# (monday to friday)
if > 0 and < 7:

Good Example:

def created_on_week_day(meeting: Meeting) -> bool:
return 0 < < 7

if created_on_week_day(meeting):

Use functions for clarity

Consider refactoring your statement into a function if it becomes too long, or the meaning isn't clear.

Bad Example:

if price * tax - bonus / reduction + fee < money:

Good Example:

def calculate_price(price: float, tax: float, bonus: float, reduction: float, fee: float) -> float:
return price * tax - bonus / reduction + fee

final_price = calculate_price(price, tax, bonus, reduction, fee)

if final_price < money:


  • Class names are in PascalCase (Upper Camel Case)
  • File, method and variable names are in lower_snake_case
  • "constants" are in UPPER_CASE

Conventions for functions prefixed by find:

  • Return None when nothing is found
  • Return an object when a single entity is found
  • Return the first element when multiple entities are found


def find_by_username(username: str) -> User | None:
users = [user1, user2, user3]
user_search = [user for user in users if user.username == username]

if len(user_search) == 0:
return None

return user_search[0]

Conventions for functions prefixed by get:

  • Raise an Exception when nothing is found
  • Return an object when a single entity is found
  • Return the first element when multiple entities are found


def get_user(user_id: str) -> User:
users = [user1, user2, user3]
user_search = [user for user in users if user.userid == user_id]

if len(user_search) == 0:
raise UserNotFoundError(user_id)

return user_search[0]

Conventions for functions prefixed by find_all:

  • Return an empty list when nothing is found
  • Return a list of objects when multiple entities are found


def find_all_users_by_username(username: str) -> list[User]:
users = [user1, user2, user3]
user_search = [user for user in users if user.username == username]

return user_search

Magic numbers

Magic numbers should be avoided. Arbitrary values should be assigned to variables with a clear name.

Bad example:

class TestRanking(TestCase):

def test_ranking(self) -> None:
rank = Rank(1, 2, 3)

self.assertEquals(rank.position, 1)
self.assertEquals(rank.grade, 2)
self.assertEquals(rank.session, 3)

Good example:

class TestRanking(TestCase):

def test_ranking(self) -> None:
position = 1
grade = 2
session = 3

rank = Rank(position, grade, session)

self.assertEquals(rank.position, position)
self.assertEquals(rank.grade, grade)
self.assertEquals(rank.session, session)


Using assert in production code is accepted as long as it is not used for validation of untrusted input. It must only be used to document critical expectations, which if violated would result in unexpected behavior in the code following the assert. It can also be used in combination with type annotations to provide information to a static type checker for type narrowing.

Bad example:

    def get_contacts(self, contact_source_id: str) -> PhonebookSourceInfo:
assert database.contact_source_exists(contact_source_id)
except AssertionError:
raise LookupError('Contact source id "{contact_source_id}" does not exist')

In this case assert is used to validate an expected error condition which must be accounted for and handled. Instead, simply use a conditional statement(e.g. if not database.contact_source_exists(contact_source_id): ...) to validate those kinds of conditions and act appropriately.

Good example:

    def get_contacts(self, contact_source_id: str) -> PhonebookSourceInfo:
contact_source = database.get_contact_source(contact_source_id)
if contact_source['type'] == 'phonebook':
return get_phonebook_contacts(contact_source)

def get_phonebook_contacts(self, source_data: dict):
assert 'phonebook_uuid' in source_data
phonebook_key = PhonebookKey(uuid=source_data['phonebook_uuid'])

Here, the assertion indicates that the code of get_phonebook_contacts expects its input to have a specific key, and is not designed to be used with arbitrary arguments that do not contain this key, and that there is no intention to handle such a case. An AssertionError resulting from a violation of that expectation would signal, hopefully during testing, that the function is not used properly by the surrounding code. This is similar to the use of static type annotations in informing developers on the intended usage of interfaces and guaranteeing correctness of a part of the implementation by detecting potential bugs that could otherwise remain silent.


Place tests along side the code

Tests for a package are placed in their own folder named tests inside the package.


├── package1
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └── tests/
│ ├──
│ └──
├── package2/
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └── tests/
│ ├──
│ └──

Short and clear tests

Unit tests should be short, clear and concise in order to make the test easy to understand. A unit test is separated into 3 sections:

  • Preconditions / Preparations
  • Thing to test
  • Assertions

Sections are separated by a blank line. Sections that become too big should be split into smaller functions.


class UserTestCase(TestCase):

def test_full_name(self) -> None:
user = User(firstname='Bob', lastname='Marley')
expected = 'Bob Marley'

fullname = user.full_name()

self.assertEquals(expected, fullname)

def _prepare_expected_user(self, first_name: str, last_name: str, number: str) -> User:
user = User()
user.first_name = first_name
user.last_name = last_name
user.number = number
return user

def _assert_users_are_equal(self, expected_user: User, actual_user: User) -> None:
self.assertEquals(expected_user.first_name, actual_user.first_name)
self.assertEquals(expected_user.last_name, actual_user.last_name)
self.assertEquals(expected_user.number, actual_user.number)

def test_create_user(self):
expected = self._prepare_expected_user('Bob', 'Marley', '4185551234')

user = create_user('Bob', 'Marley', '4185551234')

self._assert_users_are_equal(expected, user)


Don't use exceptions for flow control

Exceptions should not be used for flow control. Raise exceptions only for edge cases, or when something that isn't usually expected happens.

Bad Example:

def is_user_available(user: User) -> bool:
if user.available():
return True
raise Exception("User isn't available")

except Exception:

Good Example:

def is_user_available(user: User) -> bool:
return user.available()

if not is_user_available(user):

Avoid throwing a generic Exception

Use one of Python's built-in Exceptions, or create your own custom Exception class. This helps ensure that the cause of the Exception is clear and allows you to safely catch expected exceptions and not accidentally silence unexpected ones. A list of exceptions is available on the Python documentation website.

Bad Example:

def get_user(user_id: str) -> User:
user = session.query(User).get(user_id)

if not user:
raise Exception("User not found")

Good Example:

class UserNotFoundError(LookupError):

def __init__(self, user_id: str) -> None:
super().__init__(f"User with id {user_id} not found")

def get_user(user_id: str) -> User:
user = session.query(User).get(user_id)

if not user:
raise UserNotFoundError(userid)
return user

Always specify an Exception in except: blocks

Never use except: without specifying any exception type. The reason is that it will also catch important exceptions, such as KeyboardInterrupt and OutOfMemory exceptions, making your program unstoppable or continuously failing, instead of stopping when wanted. This also avoids accidentally catching unexpected issues which then fail silently.

Bad Example:

logger.exception("There was an error")

Good Example:

except UserNotFoundError as e:

Type Hinting

When possible, code should include type hints to help avoid ambiguity, help with debugging and, allow for static type checking. For some common use cases and more examples, please see Type hinting examples.


Type hinting allows one to clearly identify what a function receives and what it returns. The more precise you can get with your typing the easier the code will be to understand.

Bad Example:

def get_user(user_id):
user = find_user(user_id)
if not user:
raise UserNotFound(user_id)
return user

In this example, it is unclear what we are dealing with. Is the user_id a str, an int, a UUID? What is the user we return? A User object, a dict (if so what keys?), a name?

Good example:

from typing import TypedDict, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

class UserData(TypedDict):
first_name: str
last_name: str
email: str | None

def get_user(user_id: str) -> UserData:
user = find_user(user_id)
if not user:
raise UserNotFound(user_id)
return user

Running the type checker (mypy)

We use mypy to do type checking, and it is run via pre-commit. It can either be run automatically as a git pre-commit hook (after pre-commit install in your repo), manually with pre-commit run --all-files or via tox with tox -e linters. It is configured in the pyproject.toml file.


Any file that contains type annotations should, ideally, include from __future__ import annotations at the top. This ensures:

  • We don't waste effort evaluating types at runtime
  • We can use features from later version of Python without errors at runtime
  • You can reference classes before they are defined

Always including it will avoid accidentally forgetting it when adding new types too. See more about lazy type annotations here