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Service Discovery

Wazo can use consul for service discovery. By default it is disabled, but can be enabled with Custom Configuration File. Example:

scheme: http
port: 8500
token: 'the_one_ring'

# All time intervals are in seconds.
# Indicates whether of not to use service discovery.
enabled: true
# The address that will be received by other services using service discovery.
# Use "advertise_address: auto" to enable ip address detection based on
# advertise_address_interface
advertise_address: auto
# If advertise_address is "auto" this interface will be used to find the ip
# address to advertise. Ignored otherwise
advertise_address_interface: eth0
advertise_port: 9304
# The number of seconds that consul will wait between 2 ttl messages to mark
# this service as up
ttl_interval: 30
# The time interval before the service sends a new ttl message to consul
refresh_interval: 27
# The time interval to detect that the service is running when starting
retry_interval: 2
extra_tags: []

With this configuration, when a daemon is started, it registers itself on the configured consul node.

Consul template may be used to generate the configuration files for each daemons that requires the availability of another service. Consul template can also be used to reload the appropriate service.