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wazo-auth is a scalable, extendable and configurable authentication service. It uses an HTTP interface to emit tokens to users who can then use those tokens to identify and authenticate themselves with other services compatible with wazo-auth.

The HTTP API reference is at documentation.


wazo-auth is used through HTTP requests, using HTTPS. As a user, the most common operation is to get a new token. This is done with the POST method.

Alice retrieves a token using her username/password:

# Alice creates a new token, using the wazo_user backend, expiring in 10 minutes
curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -u 'alice:s3cre7' "https://localhost/api/auth/0.1/token" -d '{"backend": "wazo_user", "expiration": 600}';echo
{"data": {"issued_at": "2015-06-05T10:16:58.557553", "utc_issued_at": "2015-06-05T15:16:58.557553", "token": "1823c1ee-6c6a-0cdc-d869-964a7f08a744", "auth_id": "63f3dc3c-865d-419e-bec2-e18c4b118224", "xivo_user_uuid": "63f3dc3c-865d-419e-bec2-e18c4b118224", "expires_at": "2015-06-05T11:16:58.557595", "utc_expires_at": "2015-06-05T16:16:58.557595"}}

In this example Alice used here login alice and password s3cre7. The authentication source is determined by the backend in the POST data.

Alice could also have specified an expiration time on her POST request. The expiration value is the number of seconds before the token expires.

After retrieving her token, Alice can query other services that use wazo-auth and send her token to those service. Those services can then use this token on Alice's behalf to access her personal storage.

If Alice wants to revoke her token before its expiration:

curl -k -X DELETE -H 'Content-Type: application/json' "https://localhost/api/auth/0.1/token/1823c1ee-6c6a-0cdc-d869-964a7f08a744"

See documentation for more details about the HTTP API.

See Service Authentication for details about the authentication process.

Usage for services using wazo-auth

A service that requires authentication and identification can use wazo-auth to externalise the burden of authentication. The new service can then accept a token as part of its operations to authenticate the user using the service.

Once a service receives a token from one of its user, it will need to check the validity of that token. There are 2 forms of verification, one that only checks if the token is valid and the other returns information about this token's session if it is valid.

Checking if a token is valid:

curl -k -i -X HEAD -H 'Content-Type: application/json' "https://localhost/api/auth/0.1/token/1823c1ee-6c6a-0cdc-d869-964a7f08a744"
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Date: Fri, 05 Jun 2015 14:49:50 GMT
Server: pcm-dev-0

# get more information about this token
curl -k -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' "https://localhost/api/auth/0.1/token/1823c1ee-6c6a-0cdc-d869-964a7f08a744";echo
{"data": {"issued_at": "2015-06-05T10:16:58.557553", "utc_issued_at": "2015-06-05T15:16:58.557553", "token": "1823c1ee-6c6a-0cdc-d869-964a7f08a744", "auth_id": "63f3dc3c-865d-419e-bec2-e18c4b118224", "xivo_user_uuid": "63f3dc3c-865d-419e-bec2-e18c4b118224", "expires_at": "2015-06-05T11:16:58.557595", "utc_expires_at": "2015-06-05T16:16:58.557595"}}

Launching wazo-auth

usage: wazo-auth [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-u USER] [-d] [-f] [-l LOG_LEVEL]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
The path to the config file
-u USER, --user USER User to run the daemon
-d, --debug Log debug messages
-l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL
Logs messages with LOG_LEVEL details. Must be one of:
critical, error, warning, info, debug. Default: None



A policy is a list of access that is used to access Wazo resources. Policies can be created, deleted or modified using the REST API.

HTTP API Reference

The complete HTTP API documentation is here.

See also the wazo-auth changelog.


See wazo-auth Developer's Guide.